Lola Lembrez, Murtagh & Loup


ph. Jonathan Llense
Text Lola Lembrez


Lola is a cinema decorator in Paris. She spends her time in Paris and her studio in the Yvelines, but also with her dog Loup and her raven Murtagh.


Murtagh, the raven

“Murtagh, the black bird, the raven, in all its splendour, the true memory of the world, is often over-judged. Their superior intelligence, on a level with that of the great apes, can only appeal to us. They deserve our full attention. 

In the history of painting, they are present in paintings of battlefields and desolate winter landscapes. The superstitions of the past gave them a bad reputation.

Since then, science, having largely replaced belief, has diminished this injustice.

These birds are loyal, brave, careful, social. They are fascinating.


"If you hurt me, you will know me”

The raven never forgets what you did to it (good or bad).

He remembers faces, knows the difference between a walker and a hunter, and passes on the message to his fellow creatures over generations. Their codes are so fine that they leave us perplexed. 

The corvids have a power that no man can control. It is said that they even know how to anticipate the arrival of an accident or a natural disaster...


Could they be capable of bewitching us, of charming us? I believe so, because they pierce the secret of darkness without being diverted. This black bird is often called "the messenger of the void". It is on the fringe of time, sailing along the spiritual, non-physical path.

A piece of advice: Think of seeing clearly in the great void of darkness and let the raven fly through your dreams, because when you know how to fly in the void and come back, there is a message of healing between the two worlds.


Loup, the foxhound

“The moon slid down like a ball of mercury. Saint-Loup appeared to me in the midst of the black shadows of melancholy.

When he came to me, I was still licking my wounds. I waited for him for so long.

When chaos had taken control of my life, when time was becoming fragmented, divided, I secretly called upon this entity:
Saint-Loup is a kind of spiritual deity taking the physical form of a dog with a fox's body and wolf's eyes. He is the canine of a strange couple: The Fairy of the Seasons and the Wizard of the Midwoods.

This strange animal floats, its fur caresses my face and illuminates me with shiny flying particles that float around me.

I am constantly moved by the sight of this being.

Sometimes I feel him against me in my sleep. His breath rocks me and I can feel my heart beating. I see time and space united in the same vial.

I say to Saint-Loup

- Send me a dream.

He answers me: 

- I am the Ghost of Understanding.

This lunar being holds the souls of the lost illusionists, the forgotten perspectives, the axes that join two beings. He has the keys to life, to healing and to full consciousness.

He is our own spectrum. A kind of totem animal that heals fears.

He has an elixir that only druids know how to make.


When my hand caressed one of his ears, I realised that Saint-Loup was finally close to me. I then felt a strange sensation in the hollow of my shoulder blades. My wings are growing back.

My torn sky lit up. I saw thousands of stars followed by absolute colours.

Then the void.

Saint-Loup told me about the purity of the void. He also told me that I had a choice between standing or falling.

I walked ahead, but with my eyes closed, not wanting to face reality.

And when I turned around, he was gone.

I was already far away, my space-time was already transformed.

I am free from my past.

The arrival of this being in physical form corresponds to a radical turning point in my life. 

And I am alive because Saint-Loup exists and I have seen him. It is difficult for me not to see or touch him.

I am left to my own devices but I feel reality and not the imagination provoked by my ego.

It has enabled me to learn a new way of thinking and has given me a part of its animal instinct. 

I am gradually leaving my illusions, I am keeping my dependency secret and I am no longer isolating myself to hide my madness.

My friend will return.”



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